
  • Arabic is the 5th most spoken language in the world with over 400 million native speakers
  • It is an official and/or primary language in 26 countries
  • Arabic is the language of Islam, a major world religion
  • Students who study Arabic are competitive college applicants and have access to thousands of dollars in scholarships and grants
لماذا العربية؟
  • العربية هي اللغة الخامسة أكثر نطقاً في العالم ويتكلمها أكثر من 400 مليون شخص
  • هي اللغة الرسمية و/أو الرئيسية في 26 بلداً
  • العربية لغة الإسلام وهو من بين أهم الأديان في العالم
  • تساعد اللغة العربية طلابها على القبول في الجامعة وتوفّر لهم فرص ومنح كثيرة
Our students participate in exchanges with Arabic speakers from around the world. We maintain a monthly video exchange with Syrian refugees through the website “Natakallam” thanks to a grant from Qatar Foundation International. We also exchange letters and videos with English students at the American Language Center in Tangier, Morocco in partnership with the organization Global Voices Initiative. Through these projects, students are applying their language in authentic contexts and forming relationships with the worldwide language community.
سوريين على موقع "نتكمل" بفضل منحة من مؤسسة قطر. كما نتبادل الرسائل والفيديوهات مع طلاب الإنجليزية في مركز الأمريكي في مدينة طنجة في المغرب من خلال شراكة مع منظمة "Global Voices Initiative". من خلال هذه المشاريع يطبّق الطلاب اللغة في سياقات أصلية ويطوّرون علاقاتهم مع المجتمع اللغوي العالمي.
Study Abroad Opportunities

The National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y) program promotes the study of critical languages through summer and year-long intensives for high school students. The program is fully paid through the US Department of State. Summer Arabic programs have locations in Jordan and Morocco and the year-long program takes place in Morocco. Students live with host families, take daily Arabic classes, and are deeply immersed in the local culture. Applications are typically due in late October for the following year. More information can be found here.

The Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) offers a highly regarded 4-week summer Arabic language intensive located in Rabat, Morocco. Students complete 60 hours of Arabic instruction and earn 4 college credits. They live in homestays, engage in cultural activities, and travel to historic sites throughout the country. Scholarships are available. More information can be found here.
Summer Language Institute at the University of Chicago

Learn a year of Arabic in one summer! This 8-week summer program is open to undergraduate and graduate students, professionals, scholars, and academically advanced high school students. More information can be found here.