Spotlight on Senior Admissions Ambassadors...

There are several seniors who have worked closely with the Admissions Office throughout their time at Beacon Academy. Please enjoy the following short interviews featuring a few of our Senior Admissions Ambassadors.
What are your plans for after graduation?
Audrey: I am attending Colgate University in the fall and studying Molecular Biology!
Harry: I am committed to Wesleyan University in Connecticut where I will major in film and government studies.
Ava: I am headed to the University of Washington in Seattle where I will be studying psychology. I really love the city and the mountains and this feels like the best of both worlds!
Noa: I am taking a gap year! I’ll be headed to Australia and New Zealand for three months with 11 strangers in a program called Pacific Discovery. Then I’ll spend some time at home in Evanston, working at Stacked and Folded and applying to colleges with Marine Biology programs on the West Coast. I also reached out to a professor at the University of Haifa, and will be spending two months in the spring shark tagging with his team while visiting my great aunt in Israel.
How are you planning to spend your summer?
Audrey: This summer I am working at an Evanston small business, traveling, doing a short internship at Colgate’s radio station, and spending as much time as I can with friends.
Harry: I am a part of the Teen Council at The Art Institute of Chicago and we are planning a youth event before the program concludes at the end of June. I am also planning to work as a researcher for a state representative’s office in Chicago and I’ll continue to work on a congressional campaign in Michigan. I am also interviewing for a role in a congressional office in Washington, DC.
Ava: I’m working in Chicago and also volunteering for a week at camp SOAR (Special Outdoor Adaptive Recreation). I am looking forward to spending time with friends and might do a pre-orientation trip to go kayaking and camping in Washington. 
Noa: I am going to (finally!) be a counselor at a Jewish summer camp in Wisconsin that I’ve attended since I was one year old (my dad is the camp doctor)!
What is something you learned at Beacon that you want to pursue after high school?
Audrey: I came into high-school fixated on STEM and left with a big appreciation for my humanities classes. I chose a liberal arts college so I can keep exploring this - I‘m even thinking of minoring in philosophy now!
Harry: I’ve learned that my opinions and feelings toward the world and academic subjects are not fixed and that as I move through higher education those options will evolve.
Ava: I learned how to make the most of every opportunity and grow in some way from every experience.
Noa: I did not consider myself a STEM person in middle school. Taking courses such as Integrated Science and getting to know Beacon’s STEM teachers helped me discover I want to study science in college and I feel like I’ve grown a lot in this area throughout my time at Beacon.
What does it mean to be a Beacon Student?
Audrey: Beacon students are thoughtful community members who care deeply about each other and the world.
Harry: Beacon students pursue subjects from an interdisciplinary lens, recognizing the way that classes overlap and how a faculty member's teaching of one topic will inform another subject area, making them stronger students.
Ava: A Beacon Student wants to be a part of a community and understands their responsibilities, both to work hard as a student and to support the needs of their community. 
Noa: A Beacon student is willing to have a conversation with anyone from any walk of life, with any political or geographical background. I believe that this is a value I’ve grown into throughout my time at Beacon.
Do you think you'll hold an Admissions Ambassador type-role in the future?
Audrey: I hope so! It has been such a fun and rewarding way to meet new people and share love for my school.
Harry: For sure! I am hoping to continue to work with Beacon in the future and hopefully serve as an ambassador wherever I end up and feel similarly impassioned.
Ava: Maybe, I could see myself working in the Admissions office at the University of Washington!
Noa: I really liked working with the Admissions Team at Beacon, especially hosting prospective students and giving school tours, so I could see myself being a tour guide at my future university.