I-Term & Travel
I-Term is a week-long opportunity in both the fall and spring for students and teachers to take a break from normal academic classes, participate in experiential courses, and engage in amazing travel opportunities. I-term is deliberately built around our four core values of inclusion, innovation, interdependence, and independence, and offers a time for reflection, and intellectual and personal exploration. It is not a time for relaxation, but rather for re-focusing of energy, and it is one of the features that makes Beacon such a unique and innovative learning environment.
This time of focused study and meaningful choice-based learning offers students the chance to live out Beacon's mission and values: to think differently, discover new passions, or explore an area of existing interest. Classes are multi-age, allowing for connections to develop both across grade levels and with faculty members representing different disciplines. I-Term reimagines curriculum and supports the social-emotional health of our community by giving students and teachers needed time to recharge and rethink.