

Beacon Academy is an intentionally designed, independent, private high school serving Evanston, Chicago, and the suburbs. Teaching and learning at Beacon is informed by Montessori principles, independent school best practices, and a challenging IB (International Baccalaureate) curriculum, blending experiential learning, entrepreneurial thinking, and in-depth disciplinary studies. Through an in-depth understanding of adolescent brain science, Beacon Academy enriches and prepares students for life through an empowering environment that fosters independence, choice, and curiosity.


Our strong student/faculty connections provide students with a community-based safe space to become fully realized, ensuring that they are known and valued by their educators, their self-esteem is preserved and nurtured, and they support rather than compete against their peers.


We celebrate intellectual, cultural, and socioeconomic diversity with a culture of acceptance that provides a safe and nurturing space for each student to feel known and valued.

About Mission and Values leadership about board
Beacon students will master the skills, knowledge, and habits of mind necessary to meaningfully contribute to a complex and diverse world with compassion and confidence. The Beacon Academy faculty members bring decades of teaching and leadership experience from a variety of highly regarded independent, Montessori, and International Baccalaureate schools. The Board of Trustees of Beacon Academy is uniquely experienced and qualified group invested in supporting the success of the school and its leadership.